Sunday, March 23, 2008

Quiet Days In Thomaston, Georgia - 2-4 Mar 08

The final days of vacationing in the states were spent at Joel n Kayla's home in Thomaston, Georgia. They have an amazing home nestled in the wooded countryside along the river; the perfect place to enjoy friends and relax.

As the morning sun warmed the natural wooden floor in the living room it cast an array of shadows; including those created by the candles setting in front of the fireplace.
The beveled glass on the front door created this multi view of the lantern styled fixture that hangs just outside the door to light the entrance every evening.

One evening was shared with family and friends gathered around the table where Felix and I served several Spanish dishes we spent the afternoon creating. Shown here is Picadillo in a toasted roll. It was a wonderful evening of tasty food and excellent togetherness amongst some very special people.
Joel's boat sits idly along the river bank patiently waiting for the next time they go out on their next fishing adventure.
After an evening rain the river moved a little faster and took on the muddy color of the Georgia soil that was deposited from the run off upstream. Watching and listening to the river is another part of what makes their home a beautiful country paradise!

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